SBSEA's Trip in Taiyuan
Published:2017-11-06 16:52:07    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL

On november 5th 2017, with the organization of the SBSEA, the professor Duncan Whitwell from Oxford University came to Taiyuan, province of Shanxi, to carry out the academic exchanges in unicompartmental arthroplasty with the Oxford knee(UKA).

The UKA Training Course was held in the West Faculty of ShanXi Province Medical University Hospital, Professor Duncan Whitwell made an excellent speech about UKA, his speech was complete and profound, he explained in details the indications and practical techniques of the UKA by citing several examples and postoperative follow-up analyzes of a certain number of patients, his speech gave to listeners an intuitive and profound understanding of the UKA techniques.

Figure 1. The UKATraining Course

This trip of the SBSEA in ShanXi was successfully completed. Through exchanges with Western expert, ShanXi's osteopathic surgeons have a better understanding of orthopedic techniques abroad. The Communication of medicine between China and abroad has also been strengthened in a certain sense.

Figure 2. The consultation

Figure 3. The group photo

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